Translation right image:
in betrayal
in music
on the beach
in promise"
In collaboration with Free Heri Heri For All, The Black Hague Experience has been organizing a free meal event for Keti Koti on July 1st for several years now. Each year, they also partner with an artist to design the merchandise. This year, I had the honor of creating the design, inspired by a poem by Daniëlle Zawadi. "Ik ben getuige, spreekt het stof" (translated: "I bear witness, speaks the dust") is aan excerpt from the poem, which focuses on the determination of freedom fighters: one would rather become dust than live in oppression.
The design includes references to the rice grains that women hid in their hair and later planted. The text on the back describes the journey that the dust takes through various situations. Consciously or unconsciously, much has been witnessed, experienced, and remains relevant to this day.